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LOM gives away $25,000 to mark 25 years
Monday, January 29, 2018

LOM Financial gave away $25,000 to charity at an event to mark its 25th anniversary.

Flying visit for rare bird
Monday, January 22, 2018

One of the largest plunge divers in the world made a rare and spectacular appearance off the North Shore.

Island ponds given overhaul by BZS
Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Two ponds have been cleaned up courtesy of an island conservation programme.

Cahow breeding season set to break records
Monday, January 15, 2018

This year’s cahow breeding season could be a record breaker, experts predicted yesterday.

“Andy” Is Now The Longest Tracked Tiger Shark
Friday, January 12, 2018

Andy — a tiger shark tagged in Bermuda by scientists from Nova Southeastern University’s [NSU] Guy Harvey Research Institute [GHRI] in 2014 — is now the longest tracked tiger shark on record.


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All the latest updates and news from the Bermuda Aquarium, Museum, and Zoo, one of Bermuda's leading visitor attractions!

BAMZ: Restoration Work On Property Foreshore
Monday, August 28, 2017

The Bermuda Aquarium, Museum and Zoo [BAMZ] have advised that work will soon begin to restore the property’s foreshore area on Tuesday, September 5 which has been damaged by hurricanes over the last few years.

A spokesperson said, “The Bermuda Aquarium, Museum and Zoo [BAMZ] would like to inform its patrons that work will soon begin to restore the property’s foreshore area which has been damaged by hurricanes over the last few years.

“Work is due to start on September 5th and last approximately one month. During that time, all major exhibits will remain open but the grassy lawn area next to the children’s playground will be closed off to the public. At times equipment and vehicles may be moved to the lawn from the main road which may cause temporary delayed access to exhibits in the zoo.

“BAMZ would like to thank our visitors for their patience as we repair and prevent further erosion to our northern coast.”