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Teaser screenings of ‘Ocean Vet’ series
Thursday, September 03, 2015

Excerpts from seven episodes of Ocean Vet starring the late Neil Burnie will be screened over the next two months at the Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute.

‘Wild animal’ was actually a large cat
Monday, August 31, 2015

A “wild animal” that caused the Cooper’s Island Nature Reserve to be closed off on Friday evening was revealed to be a “rather large feral cat”, according to the Parks Department.

Police & BAMZ Attend Report Of “Wild Animal”
Friday, August 28, 2015

The police are on scene at the Cooper’s Island area in St David’s this evening [Aug 28] after what we understand to be a situation involving someone reporting the sighting of a dangerous animal.

Hopes of sea turtle breeding ground
Wednesday, August 19, 2015

A bounty of almost 90 hatched green sea turtle eggs has been discovered at the site of what is believed to be the first on-Island hatchlings for 100 years.

Turtle nest found on St George’s beach
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Green turtle hatchlings discovered on an East End beach have been labelled Bermuda’s “natural history event of the century”.


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Aquarium shark released back into the wild
Practical Fishing
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Practical Fishkeeping Magazine

Copyright © Scott Perry, Creative Commons

A shark called Osbourne has been released back to the sea by the Bermuda Aquarium and Zoo.

The seven-year-old Galapagos shark (similar to the one shown above) had been living at the Aquarium for the past six years but there had been several clashes between the 6.5' shark and a Black grouper, another resident of the North Rock exhibit at the Aquarium, and this had resulted in Osbourne's nose becoming injured.

Despite the best efforts of staff to try and reduce the aggression between the two fish through various training methods they continued to compete and it escalated to the point where Osbourne's health began to deteriorate. Eventually it was decided that releasing him back into the wild was the best move.

Dr Ian Walker, Principle Curator of the Aquarium, said: "The decision to relocate the shark was not made lightly as sharks need to constantly have water flowing over their gills and can go into shock from stress relatively easily."

Osbourne was released on Friday. He has been tagged to provide researchers with information on his swimming patterns, and to keep a check on his wellbeing. 

"We wish him well," Dr Walker said.