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World-class free diver to help BZS programme
Friday, February 27, 2015

Students are being offered the chance to learn about the Island’s marine environment from world-class South African free diver Hanli Prinsloo.

Regiment Volunteer Divers Take On Lionfish
Monday, February 02, 2015

A volunteer team of Regiment divers “declared war” on lionfish this past weekend.

Aquarium roof work on schedule
Thursday, January 15, 2015

Work on the aquarium’s new roof is over halfway complete and the project remains well on track, according to Dr Ian Walker.

Students Enjoy “Hands On” Learning With BZS
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Whether for high school seniors about to head off to university, or preschoolers just beginning their educational career, the Bermuda Zoological Society [BZS] has been offering a wide variety of hands-on learning opportunities for Bermuda’s students for many years – and all free of charge for the students and teachers who attend.

Film star Douglas to narrate Ocean Vet
Monday, December 22, 2014

The announcement that Michael Douglas will narrate the upcoming Ocean Vet series is a fitting tribute to the man behind the nature documentary.


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Company is thanked for helping to house Orana the fossa
Royal Gazette
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

By Elizabeth Roberts
Published May 16, 2012 at 8:28 am (Updated May 16, 2012 at 8:27 am)

Orana the fossa, Madagascar's top predator, is a favourite attraction at
Bermuda Aquarium, Museum and Zoo. School students learn about fragile
island environments through class visits to the Madagascar Exhibit.
RenaissanceRE has been thanked for helping to fund Orana's new home.
(Photo Chris Burville)

Orana the fossa, a popular creature at the Bermuda Aquarium and Zoo (BAMZ), had her enclosure dedicated to a reinsurance company who helped fund her home.

A fossa is a member of the mongoose family hailing from Madagascar, and is a “top predator” according to a press release from the Bermuda Zoological Society (BZS).

“With her long tail, intense stare and agile antics, Orana has proven very popular with BAMZ visitors, including school students who learn about the environmental challenges facing fragile island environments through the Madagascar Exhibit,” explained the society.

BZS decided to honour RennaissanceRe for a “generous capital campaign gift” by dedicating part of the exhibit to the company.

Company CEO Neill Currie said: “RenaissanceRe is committed to Bermuda and supporting organisations that improve the quality of life for everyone on our Island.

“The Bermuda Aquarium, Museum and Zoo is a place where Bermudians and visitors of all ages are educated and inspired to develop an appreciation of the fragile environment and unique wildlife around us.”